Juna Elisa Gangkofer

About Juna:
I am Juna, a transformational, spiritual coach since 2008. I went from fairly poor and pretty sick to very healthy and quite happy. It was a journey of getting to know who I am, what I want, deserve and what I’d like to offer to the world. As I overcame so many diseases and challenges I realised I have a true passion to help and support others on their way. That’s where my trainings begun. Now I am so happy to share and support others, to release blockages and transform challenges which then automatically leads into finding all the blossoms the world has to offer for you. I moved from Germany to Brighton, England in 2021.
During my own healing path I tried EVERYTHING to find solutions. I saw and met healers and coaches in Europe, Brazil and India.
After years of searching and receiving lots of trainings as well, I came to the conclusion what works most beneficial:
So I focus mainly on EFT/Tapping, energy archangel healing, and Channelings from the archangels as well as from beloved ones.
For your strength, your inner potential, your kindness and dignity, your stability and joy of life, immerse yourself in the wisdom and connectedness of your soul and body. Receive answers through EFT and healing energy that helps you to release blockages, provides you with higher energy so that you feel good!
Please have a look at my Instagram: @moveandhealwithjuna and don’t hesitate to contact me for further information.
EFT practicioner
Reiki Master
Archangel Medium
Archangel Healer
Energy healer
What Juna’s clients say about her:
Juna is a very warm and kind coach and healer. The things she read and saw in me as well as her energywork helped me tremendously, in order to help me managing my own healingprocess. I think Juna is really good to release blocks and barriers and I can highly recommend her to everyone who is looking for help to feel better!!