EFT Therapy

EFT/TFT Therapy at About Balance Brighton

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)/Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Tapping

Tapping, or EFT (and TFT), is a mind-body therapy that is based on the traditional Chinese practice of acupuncture and acupressure. Key acupressure points (acupoints) are tapped with fingertips whilst focussing on uncomfortable feelings and then we use positive affirmations to neutralise those feelings. This process also includes tapping on the ‘Nine Gamut Point Series’ (Eye Movement Desensitisation) to reinforce positive thoughts and behaviours.

Tap your worries and anxieties away? It may seem overly simplistic, but it just might be possible through the use of the emotional freedom technique (EFT).

Tapping, or EFT, is a mind-body therapy that draws on the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice of acupressure, and it is used today as a self-help approach in modern psychology. It involves tapping points (acupoints) on the hands, face, and body with your fingertips while focusing on uncomfortable feelings or concerns, and using positive affirmations to neutralize those feelings.

Research suggests that EFT tapping can relieve stress, diminish cravings, improve performance, and even help relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD).

Tapping on your acupoints can really make a noticeable difference in your mental and emotional state.

Therapists Available

Juna Elisa Gangkofer EFT therapy

Juna Elisa Gangkofer

£55 for 60 min or £40 with Karma card

£70 for 90 min or £55 with Karma card

Contact: https://www.instagram.com/moveandhealwithjuna/

Sarah Grierson Theta Healing EFT/TFT practitioner

Sarah J Grierson

£55 for 60 min or £40 with Karma card


Phone/Whatsapp/Telegram: 07903 842920
Facebook: Sarah ThetaHealing
Email: sarahthetahealing@gmail.com