
Acupuncture at About Balance Brighton

Nearly 2000 years old, acupuncture is a very positive model of good health and function. This therapy looks at pain and illness as signs that the body is out of balance. The overall aim of acupuncture treatment is to restore the body’s equilibrium.

What makes this system so uniquely suited to modern life is that the physical, emotional and mental are seen as interdependent. This reflects the connection between the different aspects of our lives.

The World Health Organisation had researched and proven Acupuncture to be effective for over 60 different conditions.


What to expect during an acupuncture treatment?

Our acupuncturists are trained to use subtle diagnostic techniques that have been developed and refined over many centuries. Their focus is on the individual patients as a whole and not on their illness. All the symptoms are seen in relation to each other. Each patient is unique; two people with the same western diagnosis may well receive different acupuncture treatments.

Traditional acupuncturists believe that the underlying principle of treatment is that illness and pain occur when the body’s qi, or vital energy, cannot flow freely. There can be many reasons for this. For example, emotional and physical stress, poor nutrition, infection and injury are among the most common. By inserting ultra-fine sterile needles into specific acupuncture points, a traditional acupuncturist seeks to re-establish the free flow of qi. This will help to restore balance and trigger the body’s natural healing response.

All of our acupuncturists are members of the BAcC.


Acupuncture treatments can help you with:
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Stress
  • Morning sickness
  • Infertility
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Weight loss
  • Addictions

For a comprehensive list of conditions acupuncture can help with, visit the BAcC website. You might also be interested to read Acupuncture and back pain on the NHS and Acupuncture and weight loss.

Therapists Available

Acupuncture in Brighton UK

Deep Khatkar

£65 for 60 min or £48 with Karma card

£80 for 90 min or £65 with Karma card

Contact: 07949765523

Read more about Deep

Eloise Minton at About Balance Brighton

Eloise Minton (Bsc (Hons) Ac., Lic. Ac., NHF Dip., MBACC

£65 for 60 min or £48 with Karma card

£80 for 90 min or £65 with Karma card

Contact: 07854918772,,

Read more about Eloise

Marcus Van Slageren - Acupuncture and Shiatsu at About Balance Brighton

Marcus Van Slageren

£65 for 60 min or £48 with Karma card

£80 for 90 min or £65 with Karma card

Contact: 07824430759,,

Read more about Marcus

Stephanie Downey

£65 for 60 minutes or £48 with Karma card

£80 for 90 minutes or £65 with Karma card

Contact: 07884260620,,

Read more about Stephanie